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%0 Book Section
%1 Rost1996f
%A Rost, Martin
%B Die Netzrevolution - Auf dem Weg in die Weltgesellschaft
%D 1996
%E Rost, Martin
%I Frankfurt am Main: Eichborn-Verlag
%K Buch E-Mail Internet
%T Co-Autoren per E-Mail koordinieren
%7 1
added-at = {2013-05-02T17:15:49.000+0200},
author = {Rost, Martin},
biburl = {},
booktitle = {Die Netzrevolution - Auf dem Weg in die Weltgesellschaft},
edition = 1,
editor = {Rost, Martin},
interhash = {3b6426c943fb99edbe4d8c825a36fc12},
intrahash = {da88d153fdfb0d340996a1cd5b0fc5d5},
keywords = {Buch E-Mail Internet},
publisher = {Frankfurt am Main: Eichborn-Verlag},
timestamp = {2013-05-02T17:15:49.000+0200},
title = {Co-Autoren per E-Mail koordinieren},
url = {},
year = 1996