
Surface diffusivities from concentration profiles

, и .
Surf. Sci., 295 (1-2): 183 - 196 (1993)
DOI: DOI: 10.1016/0039-6028(93)90195-P


In diffusion over surfaces, diffusivities are often noticeably dependent upon the concentration of adsorbed material. This effect has made it difficult to derive reliable diffusivities from experiments on macroscopic crystals. A method is proposed for analyzing experiments in which spreading of an adsorbate is observed as a function of position and time. The diffusivity D(c) is represented by a trial function , in which D(0), a1, and a2 are arbitrary fitting pa profiles c1(x,t) for a given choice of fitting parameters, obtained by numerical integration of the diffusion equation, are then compared with the measured profiles. This procedure is repeated with different values of the fitting parameters until the best fit to experiment is obtained. Tests on concentration dependent diffusivities of different types reveal that this procedure is reliable, even when there is some competition between diffusion and desorption.


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