
Axial fatigue life prediction of structural cables from first principles

Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs, (1991)


Using results from previously reported orthotropic sheet theory, an insight is given into the pattern of normal (Hertzian) stresses throughout realistic and multi-layered spiral strands. Based on such information in conjunction with available axial fatigue data on single com- i ponent wires, an analytical model is developed which is capable of predicting cable axial fatigue life away from terminations from first principles. The model is capable of throwing some light into various cable chacteristics of practical importance. The match between experimental data on some substantial 51 mm o.d. strands and theoretical predictions is very encouraging. The theory also provides a useful upper bound to the fatigue life of cables ;.·. .whose component wires have failed at the end terminations; it is shown that the types of end L -."termination employed at present can lead to very significant reductions in observed fatigue iJ’A.iife (compared with the free field situation). Wire failures can be both internal and/or exter- £ pal: the theory is capable of predicting internal wire failures and highlights the shortcomings t : of presently employed methods of discard criteria based on the number of visual (outer layer) '2'; wire fractures. The axial fatigue characteristics of sheathed spiral strands employed at j/present for deep water applications is also considered. It is shown that the external water ¡¿//pressure on such ‘sealed’ strands can lead to significant reductions in cable fatigue life. B.Corrosion fatigue of steel spiral strands in sea-water is also addressed: the analytical model. ■ employs empirical data in respect of fretting corrosion fatigue of single wires in contact to estimate cable fatigue life in sea-water. The theory offers an explanation for the previously ^¿published observations that there, did not seem to be a marked difference between the /•/experimentally obtained cable fatigue life in sea-water and in air over the, ranges of test frequencies and imposed environmental conditions investigated.



  • @chkokalis
  • @ceps

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