
Implications for the Hubble tension from the ages of the oldest astrophysical objects

, , and .
(2021)cite arxiv:2105.10421Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures.


We use the ages of old astrophysical objects (OAO) in the redshift range $0 z 8$ as stringent tests of the late-time cosmic expansion history. Since the age of the Universe at any redshift is inversely proportional to $H_0$, requiring that the Universe be older than the oldest objects it contains at any redshift, provides an upper limit on $H_0$. Using a combination of galaxies imaged from the CANDELS program and various high-$z$ quasars, we construct an age-redshift diagram of $100$ OAO up to $z 8$. Assuming the $Łambda$CDM model at late times, we find the 95\%~confidence level upper limit $H_0<73.2\,km/s/Mpc$, in slight disagreement with a host of local $H_0$ measurements. Taken at face value, and assuming that the OAO ages are reliable, this suggests that ultimately a combination of pre- and post-recombination ($z 10$) new physics might be required to reconcile cosmic ages with early-time and local $H_0$ measurements. In the context of the Hubble tension, our results motivate the study of either combined global pre- and post-recombination modifications to $Łambda$CDM, or local new physics which only affects the local $H_0$ measurements.



  • @citekhatri
  • @gpkulkarni

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