
System for Generating Power from Footsteps



Man has required and used energy at an increasing rate for sustenance and well being since the dawn of time. Many energy resources have been depleted and wasted as a result. Daily power outages in nearly all towns and villages in some emerging and recently industrialized countries last for several hours. Residents in these countries can use a power inverter or a diesel petrol powered electric generator in their homes during a power outage. Industrial and information technology centers frequently use standby generators. As a result, the electricity shortage worsens. There are a variety of alternative methods for producing electricity, one of which is footstep energy generation, which can be a very efficient method. For densely populated countries like India, where railway stations, bus stops, malls, and other tourist attractions are constantly crowded, the proposal for utilizing waste energy of foot power with human locomotion is very relevant and important. The most common human activity is walking. As a result of his weight being transferred to the road surface via footfalls on the ground at each step, a person loses energy to the road surface in the form of impact, vibration, sound, and so on when walking. This energy can be captured and converted into something useful, such as electricity. This device can convert foot impact energy into electrical energy if it is placed in a walkway. As a result, whenever a person steps on a tile, mechanical energy or pressure is converted to electrical energy. A piezoelectric sensor is a device that detects a persons vibration and converts an applied pressure into voltage. The electrical energy produced by a persons foot pressure is captured by floor sensors when we design the floor with piezoelectric technology or sensors. The sensors are connected in both series and parallel. The resulting voltage is passed through a ripple filter for modulation and distortion correction. It then passes through a MOSFET converter, which performs pulse width modulation. The total voltage generated is calculated using the voltage sensor. An analog to digital converter is used to convert analog data into digital data. Prof. Smita Wadekar | Prajakta Bhoi | Hemaja Burud | Sanika Bhayade | Sonali Shrivastav "System for Generating Power from Footsteps" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-3 , April 2022, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd49898.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/electronics-and-communication-engineering/49898/system-for-generating-power-from-footsteps/prof-smita-wadekar


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