
The Search for the Farthest Quasar: Consequences for Black Hole Growth and Seed Models

, and .
(2021)cite arxiv:2110.10176Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 8 pages, 5 figures.


The quest for high-redshift quasars has led to a series of record-breaking sources, with the current record holder at $z=7.642$. Here, we show how future detections of $z>8$ quasars impact the constraints on the parameters for black hole growth and seed models. Using broad flat priors on the growth parameters (Eddington ratio $\,f_Edd$, duty cycle $D$, seed mass $M_\rm \bullet, seed$ and radiative efficiency $\epsilon$), we show that the large uncertainties in their determination decrease by a factor $5$ when a quasar's detection redshift goes from $z=9$ to $z=12$. In this high-redshift regime, $\epsilon$ tends to the lowest value allowed, and the distribution for $M_\bullet, seed$ peaks well inside the heavy seed domain. Remarkably, two quasars detected at $z > 7$ with low accretion rates (J1243+0100 and J0313-1806) already tighten the available parameter space, requiring $M_\rm \bullet, seed > 10^3.5 \,M_ødot$ and $< 0.1$. The radiative efficiency is a crucial unknown, with factor $2$ changes able to modify the predicted mass by $3$ orders of magnitude already at $z9$. The competing roles of inefficient accretion (decreasing $\epsilon$) and black hole spin-up (increasing $\epsilon$) significantly impact growth models. Finally, we suggest that yields currently predicted by upcoming quasar surveys (e.g., Euclid) will be instrumental for determining the most-likely seed mass regime. For example, assuming thin-disk accretion, a detection of a quasar with $M_10^10 \,M_ødot$ by $z9-10$ would exclude the entire parameter space available for light seeds and dramatically reduce the one for heavy seeds.



  • @gpkulkarni

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