
Gravitational Field Equations and Theory of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

, and .
(2012)cite arxiv:1206.5078Comment: Some statements are made more precise and a conclusion section is added.


The main objective of this article is to derive a new set of gravitational field equations and to establish a new unified theory for dark energy and dark matter. The new gravitational field equations with scalar potential $\varphi$ are derived using the Einstein-Hilbert functional, and the scalar potential $\varphi$ is a natural outcome of the divergence-free constraint of the variational elements. Gravitation is now described by the Riemannian metric $g_ij$, the scalar potential $\varphi$ and their interactions, unified by the new gravitational field equations. Associated with the scalar potential $\varphi$ is the scalar potential energy density $c^48G \Phi=c^48G g^ijD_iD_j \varphi$, which represents a new type of energy caused by the non-uniform distribution of matter in the universe. The negative part of this potential energy density produces attraction, and the positive part produces repelling force. This potential energy density is conserved with mean zero: $ınt_M \Phi dM=0$. The sum of this new potential energy density $c^48G \Phi$ and the coupling energy between the energy-momentum tensor $T_ij$ and the scalar potential field $\varphi$ gives rise to a new unified theory for dark matter and dark energy: The negative part of this sum represents the dark matter, which produces attraction, and the positive part represents the dark energy, which drives the acceleration of expanding galaxies. In addition, the scalar curvature of space-time obeys $R=8Gc^4 T + \Phi$. Furthermore, the new field equations resolve a few difficulties encountered by the classical Einstein field equations.



  • @eufisica

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