
A szervezetikultúra-kutatások összehasonlításának lehetséges dimenziói: szakirodalmi áttekintés és tipológia (Possible dimensions of classification in cross-cultural research: a literature review and typology)

Budapest Management Review, 50 (10): 39-50 (2019) (EVS).
DOI: 10.14267/VEZTUD.2019.10.04


Nowadays, the operation of organizations spans borders and cultures. To achieve personal and organizational goals, individuals regularly meet members of other cultures in person or the virtual space. Cross-cultural research helps to understand phenomena emerging at the encounter of different cultures as well as to learn how cultural differences affect individuals and organizations. Cross-cultural encounters often lead to communicational difficulties, conflicts, including clash of views and values. Previous research shows that even though cooperation between members of different cultures may prove to be smooth, cross-cultural encounters always affect and change individuals. This literature review synthesizes theoretical articles that focus on dimensions of classification in cultural and cross-cultural research. This paper suggests a possible typology of organizational cultural research based on the fundamental concept of culture itself.



  • @gesis_forschbib

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