Teil eines Buches,

Defects structure in a bidisperse granular layer close to jamming

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Important progress has been made recently into the understanding of the dynamic features of granular media close to the jamming transition. Both the dynamics of individual grains and four point dynamical correlations point towards a critical phenomenon possibly displaying similarities with the glass transition. However, a crucial issue common to both structural glasses and dense granular media remains that of the relation between those dynamic properties and the structure of the system. In particular, there are still no experimental evidences of a structural signature of the transition.\\ Here, we study experimentally a bi-disperse granular layer under mechanical excitation (either horizontal vibration or cyclic shear) focusing on its structural properties. More specifically we investigate the spatio-temporal organisation of the defects (those particles with a number of neighbours different from 6), which are responsible for the loss of orientational order. We show that these defects are organized in chain-like patterns and that on average they indeed play a facilitating role in the dynamics. We also characterize the packing in terms of “liquid-like” and “glass-like” defects as recently suggested in numerical simulations of two-dimensional binary mixture of discs.



  • @statphys23

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