
En quels jours furent prononcées les Catéchèses 14-18 de Cyrille de Jérusalem?

Orientalia Christiana Periodica, (2008)


Several authors have sought to determine the days of Lent on which the Prebaptismal Catecheses of Cyril of Jerusalem were delivered. This is especially true of Catecheses 14-18, which have often been placed during Holy Week. Janeras returns here to this subject, on which he has already written, in order to establish once again that Cat. 18 should be placed on the Friday before Palm Sunday, the last day of Lent in the strict sense before the beginning of the Holy Week fast. The witness of Egeria and of various hagiopolite documents supports this conclusion. And since Cat. 14 was delivered on a Monday, Cat. 14-18 should be distributed Monday to Friday of the week preceeding Holy Week. On that basis one can also establish the year the catecheses were delivered. For in Cat. 14, Cyril refers to the month of Xanthikós, hence of spring that has just begun. If Cat. 14-18 were delivered the week before Palm Sunday, then among the possible years for this recurrence, AD 348-351, only the year 350 meets these conditions.


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