
Classification of Image Database Using Independent Principal Component Analysis

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), (2013)


The paper presents a modified approach of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for an automatic classification of image database. Principal components are the distinctive or peculiar features of an image. PCA also holds information regarding the structure of data. PCA can be applied to all training images of different classes together forming universal subspace or to an individual image forming an object subspace . But if PCA is applied independently on the different classes of objects, the main direction will be different for them. Thus, they can be used to construct a classifier which uses them to make decisions regarding the class. Also the dimension reduction of feature vector is possible. Initially training image set is chosen for each class. PCA, using eigen vector decomposition, is applied to an individual class forming an individual and independent eigenspace for that class. If there are n classes of training images, we get n eigenspaces. The dimension of eigenspace depends upon the number of selected eigen vectors. Each training image is projected on the corresponding eigenspace giving its feature vector. Thus n sets of training feature vectors are produced. In testing phase, new image is projected on all eigenspaces forming n feature vectors. These feature vectors are compared with training feature vectors in corresponding eigenspace. Feature vector nearest to new image in each eigenspace is found out. Classification of new image is accomplished by comparing the distances between the nearest feature vector and training image feature vector in each eigenspace. Two distance criteria such as Euclidean and Manhattan distance are used. The system is tested on COIL-100 database. Performance is tested and tabulated for different sizes of training image database.


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  • @thesaiorg

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