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Visualizing ontologies with VOWL, , , and . Semantic Web, 7 (4): 399-419 (2015)Access to Mathematical Expressions in MathML for the Blind., , , and . HCI (4), page 1325-1329. Lawrence Erlbaum, (2003)Efficient sparse spherical k-means for document clustering., , and . DocEng, page 6:1-6:4. ACM, (2021)Utilization of Semantic Annotations in Interactive User Interfaces for Large Documents., , , , and . GI Jahrestagung (2), volume P-134 of LNI, page 706-711. GI, (2008)ASPIC - Application Service Providing für integrierte technisch-wissenschaftliche Simulationen und deren Visualisierung auf Hochleistungs-PC-Clustern., and . SimVis, page 405-418. SCS Publishing House e.V., (2003)The G2-Buffer Framework., , and . SimVis, page 287-298. SCS Publishing House e.V., (2004)A Lean Process Model using In-House Source Code Libraries for Efficient Development of Visualization Applications, , , and . Workshop Refactoring Visualization from Experience '09, (2009)ScatterBlogs2: Real-Time Monitoring of Microblog Messages Through User-Guided Filtering, , , , , , , and . IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 19 (12): 2022--2031 (2013)Visual Analysis of Social Media Data in Emergency Situations by Aggregating Annotated User Movements, , , , , and . 10th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 2013, ISCRAM, (2013)HIVEBEAT - A Highly Interactive Visualization Environment for Broad-Scale Exploratory Analysis and Tracing, , , , , , and . IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2012, page 277--278. (2012)