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The Rise of Technostress: A Literature Review from 1984 until 2018., , and . ECIS, (2020)Nonparametric estimation of American options' exercise boundaries and call prices, , , and . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 24 (11-12): 1829--1857 (October 2000)Markovian processes, two-sided autoregressions and finite-sample inference for stationary and nonstationary autoregressive processes, and . Journal of Econometrics, 99 (2): 255--289 (December 2000)American options with stochastic dividends and volatility: A nonparametric investigation, , , and . Journal of Econometrics, 94 (1-2): 53--92 (00 2000)MMC techniques for limited dependent variables models: Implementation by the branch-and-bound algorithm, and . Journal of Econometrics, 133 (2): 479--512 (August 2006)De l'équipe aux individus : planification et replanification., and . JFSMA, page 197-210. Lavoisier, (2006)From team plan to individual plans: a petri net-based approach., and . AAMAS, page 797-804. ACM, (2005)Exhost-PIPE: PIPE Extended for Two Classes of Monitoring Petri Nets., , , and . ICATPN, volume 4024 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 391-400. Springer, (2006)Multiply-Constrained DCOP for Distributed Planning and Scheduling., and . AAAI Spring Symposium: Distributed Plan and Schedule Management, page 17-24. AAAI, (2006)Architecture décisionnelle pour la replanification dans une équipe d'agents (article court)., and . JFSMA, page 229-234. Lavoisier, (2004)