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An empirical method to fuse partially overlapping state vectors for distributed state estimation., , and . ECC, page 1615-1620. IEEE, (2013)Gaussianity-Preserving Event-Based State Estimation With an FIR-Based Stochastic Trigger., , , and . IEEE Control. Syst. Lett., 3 (3): 769-774 (2019)An Event-Based Approach for the Conservative Compression of Covariance Matrices., and . CoRR, (2024)Conservative Quantization of Fast Covariance Intersection., , and . MFI, page 68-74. IEEE, (2020)Comparative Study of Track-to-Track Fusion Methods for Cooperative Tracking with Bearings-only Measurements., , , and . ICPS, page 236-241. IEEE, (2019)Feature-Aided Multitarget Tracking for Optical Belt Sorters., , , , , and . FUSION, page 1-8. IEEE, (2019)Nonlinear Decentralized Data Fusion with Generalized Inverse Covariance Intersection., , and . FUSION, page 1-7. IEEE, (2019)Geometry-driven Deterministic Sampling for Nonlinear Bingham Filtering., , , and . ECC, page 381-387. IEEE, (2019)Graduated Moving Window Optimization as a Flexible Framework for Multi-Object Tracking., and . ACC, page 4864-4870. IEEE, (2023)Nonlinear information filtering for distributed multisensor data fusion., , , and . ACC, page 4846-4852. IEEE, (2011)