
Scholarly success is traditionally measured in terms of cita- tions to publications. With the advent of publication man- agement and digital libraries on the web, scholarly usage data has become a target of investigation and new impact metrics computed on such usage data have been proposed – so called altmetrics. In scholarly social bookmarking sys- tems, scientists collect and manage publication meta data and thus reveal their interest in these publications. In this work, we investigate connections between usage metrics and citations, and find posts, exports, and page views of publi- cations to be correlated to citations.

Линки и ресурсы



  • @hangdong
  • @jaeschke
  • @bibsonomy_pubs
  • @kde-alumni
  • @bibsonomy-ruby
  • @stumme
  • @hotho
  • @nosebrain
  • @dblp
  • @dmir
  • @sdo
@jaeschke- тэги данного пользователя выделены