R. Jäschke, A. Hotho, F. Mitzlaff, and G. Stumme. Recommender Systems for the Social Web, volume 32 of Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, (2012)
S. Doerfel, R. Jäschke, A. Hotho, and G. Stumme. Proceedings of the 4th ACM RecSys workshop on Recommender systems and the social web, page 9--16. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (September 2012)
F. Mitzlaff, M. Atzmueller, G. Stumme, and A. Hotho. Complex Networks IV, volume 476 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, (2013)
R. Jäschke, L. Marinho, A. Hotho, L. Schmidt-Thieme, and G. Stumme. Workshop Proceedings of Lernen - Wissensentdeckung - Adaptivität (LWA 2007), page 13-20. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, (September 2007)
R. Jäschke, B. Krause, A. Hotho, and G. Stumme. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2008), page 192--193. Menlo Park, CA, USA, AAAI Press, (2008)
C. Cattuto, D. Benz, A. Hotho, and G. Stumme. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on The Semantic Web, 5318, page 615--631. Springer-Verlag, (2008)