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    Squeryl Home Learn more Scaladoc Community Follow _squeryl on TwitterTwitter A Scala ORM and DSL for talking with Databases with minimum verbosity and maximum type safety Write compiler validated statements. Squeryl statements that pass compilation won’t fail at runtime. Refactor your schema as often as is required, the Scala compiler and your IDE will tell you exactly which lines of code are affected. Never repeat yourself The Composability of Squeryl statements allows you to define them once and reuse them as sub queries within other statements. Write declaratively Write as declaratively as SQL, only with less boilerplate. SQL’s declarativeness is preserved, not encapsulated in a lower level API that requires imperative and procedural code to get things done. Explicitly control retrieval granularity and laziness A significant part of optimizing a database abstraction layer is to choose for every situation the right balance between fine and large grained retrieval, and the optimal mix of laziness and eagerness. Data retrieval strategies are explicit in Squeryl rather than driven by configuration like current generation Java ORMs read more
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Sqoop is a tool designed to import data from relational databases into Hadoop. Sqoop uses JDBC to connect to a database. It examines each table’s schema and automatically generates the necessary classes to import data into the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Sqoop then creates and launches a MapReduce job to read tables from the database via DBInputFormat, the JDBC-based InputFormat. Tables are read into a set of files in HDFS. Sqoop supports both SequenceFile and text-based target and includes performance enhancements for loading data from MySQL.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    AutoPatch was born from the needs of using an agile development process while working on systems that have persistent storage. Without AutoPatch, developers usually can't afford the maintenance headache of their own database, and DBAs are required just to apply changes to all of the various environments a serious development effort requires. The very application of database changes becomes an inefficient, error-prone, expensive process, all conspiring to discourage any refactoring that touches the model, or being a bottleneck when model changes are made. AutoPatch solves this problem, completely. With AutoPatch, an agile development process that requires a database change looks like this: * Developer alters the model, which requires a change to the database * Developer possibly consults a DBA, and develops a SQL patch against their personal database that implements the alteration * Developer commits the patch to source control at the same time as they commit their dependent code * Other developers' and environments' databases are automatically updated by AutoPatch the next time the new source is run This represents streamlined environment maintenance, allowing developers to cheaply have their own databases and all databases to stay in synch with massively lower costs and no environment skew. That's what AutoPatch does. Clusters with one database? Multiple schemas? Logical migrations, instead of just DDL changes? Need to do something special/custom? Need to distribute your changes commercially? All without paying anything? No problem.
    15 years ago by @gresch


    The Mogwai ERDesigner is a entity relation modeling tool such as ERWin and co. The only difference is that it is Open Source and does not cost anything. It was designed to make database modeling as easy as it can be and to support the developer in the whole development process, from database design to schema and code generation. This tool was also designed to support a flexible plug in architecture, to extend the system simply by installing a new plug in. This way, everybody can implement new features and tools to make ERDesigner fit the requirements. ERDesigner NG * is based on Java and can be run on Windows and Unix systems * has a powerfull WYSIWYG for physical database design * handles tables, relations, indexes and comments * supports subject areas * supports MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer and Postgres * creates the SQL DDL statements for schema creation * has an integrated schema version control system * can generate schema migration scripts for every change * stores the database definition as XML files for further processing * can export the database schema as GIF, BMP, JPEG or SVG files * has an integrated reverse engineering module for existing schemas * it is based on GPL license * support is available by authors and newsgroups
    16 years ago by @gresch


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