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    Industry experts forecast the future of IT, telecommunications and media What is the impact of digitalization and virtualization on our society? How do politics and regulations influence the key sector information and communication technologies (ICT)? The international Delphi study "Future of ICT and Media" investigates these questions. 551 representatives from politics, economy and science were questioned about the central developments of their business sector in the next twenty years. A first evaluation of the results concerning the present economic crisis shows that 52 per cent of the surveyed people expect the crisis in Germany to end not later than 2011. In fact, 48 per cent of the experts questioned about Germany are convinced that Germany will cope better with the economic crisis than the rest of Europe. The results of the Delphi study will be presented to the public at a press conference in Berlin on November 5th. Furthermore, implications for the future of ICT and media industries will be elaborately discussed with high-profile experts during a conference on November 6th. Together with the results of the study these implications will be an important contribution to the 4th IT summit of the Federal Government in Stuttgart on December 8th.
    15 years ago by @acf
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