
Tomgram: David Vine, Our Base Nation | TomDispatch


Note for TomDispatch Readers: TomDispatch regular David Vine will send any of you willing to donate $100 (or more) ...his groundbreaking new book, Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World, a genuine successor volume to the late Chalmers Johnson’s Blowback Trilogy. Of it, Andrew Bacevich has says, “Base Nation offers a devastating critique, and no doubt Washington will try to ignore it. Citizens should refuse to let that happen.” Vine’s is a must-read book on a subject -- the U.S. garrisoning of the planet -- that, ever since Johnson himself wrote about it at this website, we’ve considered of primary importance. Check out our donation page for the details and many thanks, as ever, for your generosity. Tom




  • @mikaelbook

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