
e-Science Portal for New England Librarians | e-Science Portal for New England Librarians


The portal is designed for librarians working in research organizations that generate, share, store and/or use data for basic scientific research in the health, biological, and physical sciences. Bringing together resources on education, outreach and collaboration, current practices and e-science news—the portal provides librarians with the tools, knowledge and skills to effectively participate in networked science. A collaborative project devoted to educating science and medical librarians on e-Science. initiated at the University of Massachusetts Medical School through funding from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. Content for the portal is contributed by a dedicated team of subject specialists from diverse New England research libraries. e-Science news, events, projects, and tutorials. The e-Science portal is a resource for librarians to learn about and discuss: e-Science and its impact on librarianship and domain sciences that use e-Science techniques.




  • @jaj

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