Semweb's core grammar is RDF, based on defining meaningful ontological statements as consisting of discrete “subjects,” “predicates,” and “objects,” and that each of those "parts of speech" can be given its own unique identity, designated with
Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group is designed to improve collaboration, research and development, and innovation adoption in the health care and life science industries, & aiding decision-making in clinical research
The Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) and its domain ontologies form the largest formal public ontology in existence today. They are being used for research and applications in search, linguistics and reasoning. SUMO is the only formal ontology that
At heart, a blog is just a database...But most blogs only divide up the information by time...for a reader, it's probably the least interesting way of reading. I've turned Ishbadiddle into a semantic web...categorized, coded, 1,385 keywords...
Products for discovering and storing metadata, natural language processing, & more. Third link's to Geospatial Semantic Web Blog w/update on Metalink's ability to map its descriptions into RDF.
datasets like Wikipedia Data Dumps, 2000 Movie Reviews, & UPC Database are difficult to recreate, have high levels of accuracy, are this becomes easier to access, the value of these datasets decreases over time.
Many visitors to blogs are turning to feed readers for consuming their favorite content. Are we looking at a change in how we should judge the traffic of a Website? We are already seeing advertisements appear in feeds which helps solve the issue of moneti
5 problems we'lll likely run into..each problem is a side-effect of advances in technology, rushes to fill new niches, or the previous two plus the desire to make a quick dollar.
"I am interested in the step beyond that," he says, "where what is going on is not just a passive document, but an active computation, where people are using the Net to think of new things that they couldn't think of as individuals, where the Net thinks o is home to a global knowledge base: a structured, searchable, writeable and editable database built by a community of contributors, and open to everyone. It could be described as a data commons.