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    Diogenes is a tool for searching, browsing and reading the databases of ancient texts, primarily in Latin and Greek, that are published by the Packard Humanities Institute and the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae.
    5 years ago by @avs

    The focus of the SAWS project is on collections of ideas and opinions – ranging from pithy sayings to short passages from longer philosophical texts - which make up the ancient genre of Wisdom Literature.
    10 years ago by @avs

    The site is a Latin text (meta-)repository and tool under way of development. Users should take into account that many functions do not yet work satisfactorily. This Corpus Córporum is being developed at the University of Zurich under the direction of Ph. Roelli, Institute of Medieval Latin Studies. The project uses exclusively free and open software and is non-commercial. Our main goals are: - To provide a platform into which standardised (TEI) xml-files of Latin texts can be loaded (if you would like to share your texts, please contact us) and downloaded (unless copyrights restrict this). - To present these texts in a way that they may be read online. Latin words in the text can be resolved to their grammatical form by clicking them (powered by Perseus and TreeTagger). The entries in the following dictionaries are then displayed: Georges (Latin-German), Lewis and Short (Latin-English) and DuCange (mediaeval Latin). - To make these texts searchable in complex manners (including by lemma). Searches, wordlists and concordances can be generated for the current level at the bottom left of the page (we use the open-source software Sphinx). - To be able to use the platform to publish Latin texts online (cf. the Richard Rufus Project's corpus). - Texts may be downloaded as TEI xml or txt-files for non-commercial use (soon also as pdf).
    11 years ago by @avs
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