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    OpenLexicon is an open-source business rules and process management tool that rapidly develops applications for transaction and process-based applications. OpenLexicon is known for providing high performance solutions and has been used in a number of enterprise-level applications. You can read about these here . You can use either product separately or in concert. There are two main components of OpenLexicon: the metadata repository and the business rules engine. Major components of OpenLexicon are released as open source software under the OpenLexicon OpenSource License. A good overview of the business rules approach is available here .OpenLexicon has a Wizard that is a web-form based collaborative tool for building business rules and business use cases. For a brief overview of the wizard, look at this link . We have designed the Wizard for non-developers and analysts with light technical skills. It features a richer experience for the users on the web, traditionally only offered by thick-client UIs.  The collaboration team assembles groups of business rules into a business use case and published in a metadata file or the database. OpenLexicon provides solid support for web services. You can read about the OpenLexicon WSDL here . There is also an eclipse plug-in for web services here . You create complex application behavior with OpenLexicon’s process management. OpenLexicon can build an application reads data from a file, performs reference data lookups, validates the entire object, and then stores it in a database table. You can read about this here . Plus, you can build the application in the Wizard while writing no code! OpenLexicon also supports web services. A simple architecture diagram for OpenLexicon is included here .
    16 years ago by @cschie

    A context adaptive system typically enables the user to maintain a certain application (in different forms) while roaming between different wireless access technologies, locations, devices and even simultaneously executing everyday tasks like meetings, driving a car etc. For example a context adaptive and hence ubiquitous navigation system would offer navigation support in the situations at home, indoor, outdoor, and in car. This involves making the navigation functionality available for different availability of output devices, input devices and location sensors as well as adapting the user interaction operability to the current speed, noise or operator handicaps while keeping in mind the overall applicability depending on the user preferences, his knowledge, current task etc.[1]
    16 years ago by @cschie
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