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    In the fully expansive (or LCF-style) approach to theorem proving, theorems are represented by an abstract type whose primitive operations are the axioms and inference rules of a logic. Theorem proving tools are implemented by composing together the inference rules using ML programs. This idea can be generalised to computing valid judgements that represent other kinds of information. In particular, consider judgements (a,r,t,b), where a is a set of boolean terms (assumptions) that are assumed true, r represents a variable order, t is a boolean term all of whose free variables are boolean and b is a BDD. Such a judgement is valid if under the assumptions a, the BDD representing t with respect to r is b, and we will write a r t --> b when this is the case. The derivation of "theorems" like a r t --> b can be viewed as "proof" in the style of LCF by defining an abstract type term_bdd that models judgements a r t --> b analogously to the way the type thm models theorems |- t.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic
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