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    JREVERSEPRO is a Java Decompiler / Disassembler written entirely in Java. This reverse engineering utility is issued under the GNU GPL. The utlimate objective of this project is to provide a decompiler that generates a Java object-based structure that can be programmatically inspected using a specific API. Features: * The software is written 100 % in Java which implies you can seamlessly integrate your java applications with this. * The .class files could be disassembled to examine the Java Virtual Machine(JVM) bytecode. * Command-line version now has the option to view constant pool. * Three flavours of the software - namely the Swing-based, AWT-based and the command-line based UI are available all with the same decompiling engine for people with different needs. * The contents of the ConstantPool could be examined as a dialog in the Swing-flavour. * Command-line version now has the option to view constant pool. Please see FAQ for more details regarding the same.
    15 years ago by @gresch
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