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    What is FreeFileSync? FreeFileSync is an Open-Source folder comparison and synchronization tool. It is optimized for highest performance and usability without restricted or overloaded UI interfaces. Key Features Compare files (bytewise or by date) and synchronize them. No limitations: An arbitrary number of files can be synchronized. Unicode support. Network support. Built-in support for very long filenames (more than MAX_PATH = 260 characters). Synchronization database for propagation of deleted files and conflict detection Support for multiple folder pairs with distinct configuration Full support for Windows/Linux Symbolic Links and Windows Junction Points. Lean & easily accessible UI: Highly optimized for speed and huge sets of data. Algorithms coded in C++ completely. All progress indicators optimized for maximum performance! Create Batch Jobs for automated synchronization with or without GUI. Focus on usability: Only necessary functionality on UI: no overloaded menus or icon jungle. Select all folders via drag & drop. Last used configuration and screen settings are saved automatically. Maintain and load different configurations by drag & drop, load-button or commandline. Double-click to start external application (e.g. show file in Windows Explorer) Copy & paste all grid data as text Delete superfluous/temporary files directly on main grid. Right-click context menu. Comprehensive status information and error reporting Sort file-lists by name, size or date. Support for filesizes larger than 4 GB. Option to move files to Recycle Bin instead of deleting/overwriting them. Ignore directories "\RECYCLER" and "\System Volume Information" with default Filter. (Windows only) Localized versions are available for many languages. Delete before copy: Avoid disc space shortages for large sync-jobs. Filter functionality to include/exclude files from synchronization (without requiring a re-compare!). Include/exclude specific files from synchronization temporarily. Automatically handle daylight saving time changes on FAT/FAT32 volumes. Portable version available (selectable via installer). Native 64-Bit version. Check for updates from within FreeFileSync automatically. Copy locked files using Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service. (Windows only) Create regular backups with macros %time%, %date% within directory names Copy file and folder create/access/modification times when synchronizing Advanced locking strategy to allow multiple synchronization processes (e.g. multiple writers, same network share)
    13 years ago by @gresch

    Redo Backup and Recovery is so simple that anyone can use it. It is the easiest, most complete disaster recovery solution available. It allows bare-metal restore. Bare metal restore means that even if your hard drive melts or gets completely erased by a virus, you can have a completely-functional system back up and running in as little as 10 minutes. All your documents and settings will be restored to the exact same state they were in when the last snapshot was taken. Redo Backup and Recovery is a live CD, so it does not matter if you use Windows or Linux. You can use the same tool to backup and restore every machine. And because it is open source released under the GPL, it is completely free for personal and commercial use.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Clone, synchronize, backup. Schedule and forget it. Try it 'til you trust it. The key to a successful backup plan is to actually do the backups regularly. When left to a human, the task often gets tacked on to the end of a very long list of other things to do. When you eventually have a catastrophe, the data is simply gone. You know that feeling — you just lost six years of family photos. Your kids being born, their first birthdays, their first everything. The answer to this is consistent and regular backups, placed on a schedule and handled automatically by your computer. CCC 3 features an interface designed to make the cloning and backup procedure very intuitive. In addition to general backup, CCC can also clone one volume to another, copying every file to create an exact replica of your source volume. CCC's block-level copy offers the absolute fastest performance and highest fidelity in the industry!
    14 years ago by @gresch

    FEBE (Firefox Environment Backup Extension) allows you to quickly and easily backup your Firefox extensions. In fact, it goes beyond just backing up -- It will actually rebuild your extensions individually into installable .xpi files. Now you can easily synchronize your office and home browsers.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Areca is a personal file backup software developed in Java. It is released under the General Public License (GPL) v2. Backup Engine Features : * Archives compression (Zip & Zip64 format) * Archives encryption (AES128 & AES256 encryption algorithms) * Storage on local hard drive, network drive, USB key, FTP / FTPs server (with implicit and explicit SSL / TLS) * Source file filters (by extension, subdirectory, regular expression, size, date, status, with AND/OR operators) * Incremental, differential and full backup support * Archives merges / deletion : You can merge contiguous archives in one single archive or safely delete your latest archives. * As of date recovery : Areca allows you to recover your archives (or single files) as of a specific date. * Transaction mechanism : All critical processes (such as backups or merges) support a transaction mechanism (with commit / rollback management) which guarantees your backups' integrity. * Backup reports : Areca generates backup reports that can be stored on your disk or sent by email. * Post backup scripts : Areca can launch shell scripts after backup. * Files permissions and symbolic links backup. (Linux only) * Support for delta backup (store only the modified parts of the files - not the whole files) Graphical User Interface : * Archives content explorer. (including a 'find file in archives' feature) * Archive description : A manifest is associated to each archive, which contains various informations such as author, title, date, description, and some technical data. * File history explorer : Areca keeps track of your file's history (creation / modifications / deletion) over your archives. * Backup simulation : useful to check wether a backup is necessary * User's actions history : Areca keeps an history of all user's actions (archives deletion, merges, backups, recoveries). Command-Line Interface : * Areca comes with a command-line interface which can be used for backup automation.
    16 years ago by @gresch


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