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    SmartFrog is a powerful and flexible Java-based software framework for configuring, deploying and managing distributed software systems. SmartFrog helps you to encapsulate and manage systems so they are easy to configure and reconfigure, and so that that they can be automatically installed, started and shut down. It provides orchestration capabilities so that subsystems can be started (and stopped) in the right order. It also helps you to detect and recover from failures. Such systems typically have multiple software components running across a network of computing resources, where the components must work together to deliver the functionality of the system as a whole. It's critical that the right components are running in the right places, that the components are individually and collectively correctly configured, and that they are correctly combined to create the complete system. This profile fits many of the services and applications that run on today's computing infrastructures. SmartFrog consists of: A Language for defining configurations, providing powerful system modelling capabilities and an expressive notation for describing system configurations A secure, distributed Runtime System for deploying software components and managing running software systems A Library of SmartFrog Components that implement the SmartFrog component model and provide a wide range of services and functionality
    14 years ago by @gresch
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