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    Docbook2odf is a toolkit that automaticaly converts DocBook to OASIS OpenDocument (ODF, the ISO standardized format used for texts, spreadsheets and presentations). Conversion is based on a XSLT which makes it easy to convert DocBook->ODF, ODT, ODS and ODP as all these documents are XML based. Also goal of docbook2odf is to generate well formatted documents in OpenDocument, ready to be used in instant, with actually considering current rules of the Corporate Identity of organizations. Final results should not be restricted to text like documents but also many other forms could be generated, like presentations, charts or forms with images and multimedia. The result is provided in a one zipped ODF file (.odt/.odp/.ods) with all required content. There are group of utilities like docbook2odt, docbook2ods and docbook2odp as docbook2odf is actually universally converting to these respective formats. Docbook2odf is open source. This means that the source codes is not only available for download free of charge, but developers have access to the source code and may modify it.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Your users want to customize formulas. They know Excel or OpenOffice. // Compile price finding factory and strategy implementation from spreadsheet: EngineBuilder builder = SpreadsheetCompiler.newEngineBuilder(); builder.loadSpreadsheet( new File( PATH, "CustomPriceFormula.xls" ) ); builder.setFactoryClass( PriceFinderFactory.class ); builder.bindAllByName(); Engine engine = builder.compile(); PriceFinderFactory factory = (PriceFinderFactory) engine.getComputationFactory(); // Use it to compute a line item price: LineItem item = getCurrentLineItem(); PriceFinder priceFinder = factory.newInstance( item ); BigDecimal price = priceFinder.getPrice(); Compile parametrized spreadsheets directly to bytecode. * No need to have Excel, OpenOffice, or a JDK installed. * Native speed, thread safe execution. * Bind directly to your computation strategy interfaces. * Using double, or BigDecimal for financial applications. * Available under the GPL and commercially (details).
    16 years ago by @gresch
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