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    Turmeric is a comprehensive, policy-driven SOA platform that you can use to develop, deploy, secure, run and monitor SOA services and consumers. It is a Java based platform, follows the standards (SOAP, XML, JSON, XACML, etc.), and supports WSDL (SOAP style - Doc Lit wrapped mode and REST style). It supports a variety of protocols and data formats. Eclipse plugins help with the development of services and consumers. Other important features include: Various Quality of Service (QoS) features such as authentication, authorization, and rate limiting, which you control by defining respective policies. Monitoring capabilities. A Repository Service that enables service registration and governance. The Type Library, which provides the ability to define and manage reusable schema type definitions across services, and hierarchically organizes them. The Error Library, another useful capability that lets you define and re-use error definitions across services. Local binding, which lets you locally bind services to consumers as a deployment time option, for optimization, without loss of any generality or changing code. The Turmeric platform is highly extensible and customizable. For example, you can easily plug in additional protocol processors, data formats, handlers and various other capabilities. The platform is also highly optimized for large scale environments. eBay uses this platform internally, and most parts of it are now open source, including replacing functionality dependent on commercial products with an equivalent, first-version, open-source implementation, and changing package names to match the open-source spirit. This is the first version of the open-source release of Turmeric, and might have some rough edges, so please provide feedback and contribute as you see fit.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Turmeric is a comprehensive, policy-driven SOA platform that you can use to develop, deploy, secure, run and monitor SOA services and consumers. It is a Java based platform, follows the standards (SOAP, XML, JSON, XACML, etc.), and supports WSDL (SOAP style - Doc Lit wrapped mode and REST style). It supports a variety of protocols and data formats. Eclipse plugins help with the development of services and consumers. Other important features include: * Various Quality of Service (QoS) features such as authentication, authorization, and rate limiting, which you control by defining respective policies. * Monitoring capabilities. * A Repository Service that enables service registration and governance. * The Type Library, which provides the ability to define and manage reusable schema type definitions across services, and hierarchically organizes them. * The Error Library, another useful capability that lets you define and re-use error definitions across services. * Local binding, which lets you locally bind services to consumers as a deployment time option, for optimization, without loss of any generality or changing code.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Membrane SOA Registry is an open source Web Services Registry providing: * Availability and performance monitoring * Monitoring of WSDL changes and versioning * A generic Web Services client for testing * A Web Service lifetime history * Alerting over an Atom newsfeed * Web 2.0 features like tagging and rating * Dependency Management * Reporting * Endpoint Management The Registry is leightweight and can be installed in less than 5 minutes. Organisations are using increasingly Web Services and are getting more and more dependent on these services. To minimize risks and to streamline the development and use of services SOA governance should be applied. A lot of SOA experts believe a registry is complicated to install and to maintain. Membrane registry is different: it can be installed in minutes and it gathers valuable information of your SOA by monitoring and analysing existing artifacts like WSDL documents and XML schemas.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Welcome to soapUI; the leading, award winning, Web Services Testing tool. soapUI is a Free and Open Source desktop application for Inspecting Web Services, Invoking Web Services, Developing Web Services, Simulating/Mocking Web Services and Functional, Load, Compliance Testing Web Services over HTTP. soapUI Pro is an extended version with professional support and extended functionality.
    17 years ago by @gresch

    Using XML schemas effectively in WSDL design A conference presentation from SD West 2004.
    19 years ago by @gresch
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