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    , and . IJIRIS:: International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, Volume VII (Issue X): 99-103 (December 2020)1. Argyris, C., & Schon, D., (1978). Organizational Learning: A Theory of Action Perspective, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. 2. Argyris, C., Putman, R., and McLain Smith, D., (1985). Action Science, Concepts, Methods, and Skills for Research and Intervention, San Francisco, Jossey Bass 3. Bapuji, H., and Crossan, M. (2004). From Raising Questions to Providing Answers: Reviewing Organizational Learning Research, Management Learning, Vol. 35, No.4, PP. 397-417. 4. Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices (2nd ed.). Textbooks Collection. Book 3. 5. C. Mausolff., (2004). Learning from feedback in performance measurement systems. Public Performance and Management Review, 28: 9-29 4. 6. C.M. Graham and F.M. Nafukho. (2007). Culture, organizational learning, and selected employee background variables in small size business enterprises. Journal of European Industrial Training, 31:127-144 6. 7. Chiva, R., Grandío, A., & Alegre, J., (2010). Adaptive and Generative Learning: Implications from Complexity Theories, International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol. 12, No. 2, PP. 114-129. 8. De Geus, A.p. (1988). Planning as learning Harvard Business Review,66(2),70-74. 9. Dimovski, V., (1994). Organizational Learning and Competitive Advantage, Ph.D. Thesis, Cleveland, Ohio 10. Farago, J., and Skyrme, D., (1995). The Learning Organization, (On-line), Available at 11. Farago, J., and Skyrme, D., (1995). The Learning Organization, (On-line), Available at fifth edition (5th ed.). Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Pearson Education Limited. 12. Finger, M., & Brand, S., (1999). The Concept of The Learning Organization, Applied To The Transformation of The Public Sector, In M. Easterby-Smith, L. Araujo and J. Burgoyne, Organizational Learning and The Learning Organization, London: Sage, P.2..
    4 years ago by @ijiris
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