European Commission - Press Release - Brussels, 20 December 2011 1. What are concessions? Concessions are partnerships between the public sector and mostly private companies, where the latter exclusively operate, maintain and carry out the development of infrastructure (ports, water distribution, parking garages, toll roads) or provide services of general economic interest (energy, water and waste disposal
Die Gemeinden in Bayern sind überzeugt, dass sich die dezentrale kommunale Wasserversorgung bei uns bewährt hat. Entsprechend alarmiert reagieren sie auf die Diskussionen zur Wasser-Privatisierung, die in Brüssel geführt wird.
(di Stefano Rodotà) Il Consiglio di Stato ha appena fatto giustizia dei tentativi di cancellare i risultati dei referendum del 12 e 13 giugno del 2011, quando ventisette milioni di cittadini dissero no alla privatizzazione forzata dell’acqua. Ma è ammissibile il comportamento di
Knowing what to eat to minimize impact on the planet can feel like an impossible task: Eat locally? Skip meat? Opt for organic, free range, humanely raised?
Die Europäische Kommission und der Rat möchten die Wasserprivatisierung ermöglichen. In verschiedenen Dokumentationen kann man sich die Folgen schon mal ansehen. Und dagegen unterschreiben.
Organisers of a European Citizens’ Initiative that seeks to halt sales of public water utilities say they have gathered one million signatures from across Europe, becoming the first such group to do so since the grass-roots efforts were launched last spring.
The partial privatisation of Berlin’s water supply utility guarantees vast profits for private investors in the global giants, RWE and Violia Water, at the expense of Berlin taxpayers.