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    Following a meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters that space can be used for peaceful purposes- but that it can also be used with aggressive intentions. “Satellites can be jammed, hacked or weaponized. Anti-satellite weapons could cripple communications and other services our societies rely on, such as air travel, weather forecast or banking,” he said. Stoltenberg’s comments echo those of the Deputy Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Lieutenant General Scott Kindsvater, who presented a space briefing before the Committee last month. “Space is part of our daily lives,” he warned, “It is therefore important that we are vigilant and resilient – also in space”. NATO’s decision to adopt space as an operational domain is in line with decisions already made by a number of countries, including those already party to the treaty. In August this year, Washington launched the US Space Command to oversee off-world military operations; the Command’s leader, four-star Gen. John Raymond, describing space as a “warfighting domain.”
    5 years ago by @mikaelbook

      Jun 2023. (This video includes animated sequences that are not necessarily representative of actual military hardware, technologies or capabilities.) Synopsis Every day, Allied citizens are protected from airborne threats by an integrated network of sensors, missile defence systems and fighter jets. Collectively, they’re known as the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System (IAMD). But how does this system work? Threats from the air are first detected by an array of sensors deployed by Allies. Based on land, at sea, in the air and even in space, these are capable of detecting aircraft or missile launches minutes after they occur. They feed the data to NATO command posts, such as the Combined Air Operations Centres (CAOCs) in Uedem, Germany and Torrejon, Spain. Commanders can then determine the best way to deal with the threat. The task might fall to long-range, high-altitude missile defence systems like the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), or the short-to-medium range French Sol-Air Moyenne Portée/Terrestre (SAMP/T). NATO can also use missile defence warships or fighter jets to deal with the threat. In recent years, the Alliance has had to contend with new threats such as unmanned vehicles and hypersonic missiles. NATO is hard at work on tactics and technology to counter these problems.
      8 months ago by @mikaelbook
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