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    'The Modernist Atlantic' is the first of two international conferences organised by the Modernist Magazines Project, directed by Peter Brooker (University of Nottingham) and Andrew Thacker (De Montfort University), and funded by the AHRC. Although the study of modernism has been revolutionised over the last decade it is only recently been recognised that periodical publications made a distinctive contribution to the modernist movement. This conference aims to address the role of magazines in the construction of modernism, focussing upon magazines in Britain, Ireland and North America. Papers are invited on the following themes: studies of individual magazines; studies of individual writers and artists in magazines; archives; serialisation; the short story in magazines; metropolitan and regional cultures; coteries and salons; advertising; visual culture; gender and publishing; race/nationalism/identities; technologies, typists, typefaces; circulation, censorship and readership; patronage; editors; manifestoes and movements; the avant-garde; tradition and the new; 'little' and 'large' magazines; popular and mainstream; transnationalism and geomodernisms; small presses and printers.
    18 years ago by @mwkuster
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