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    I'm a researcher at Forschungszentrum L3S where I work for the NEPOMUK EU project. My research focus is on integration of algorithms for community detection, ranking and recommendations into folksonomy systems. Our system BibSonomy will be used as basis for the results. The overall goal is to enhance the Social Semantic Desktop, which we aim to build in the NEPOMUK project, with these algorithms. 'm a researcher at Forschungszentrum L3S where I work for the NEPOMUK EU project. My research focus is on integration of algorithms for community detection, ranking and recommendations into folksonomy systems. Our system BibSonomy will be used as basis for the results. The overall goal is to enhance the Social Semantic Desktop, which we aim to build in the NEPOMUK project, with these algorithms.
    17 years ago by @pitman

    [Knowledge and Data Engineering Group] [Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science] [University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany] Home Teaching Research Publications Master Theses Contact Me Project Links Business Other eMail Me © Andreas Hotho, 2007 function: Scientific Assistant current project: KDUbiq, Tagora, Nepomuk, DataProcess research interest: Folksonomy and Web 2.0 -- Text Clustering with background knowledge -- Text Mining -- Data Mining -- Ontology Learning -- Semantic Web Mining and related issues consulting for students: eMail Me BibSonomy BibSonomy, our bookmark and publication sharing system
    17 years ago by @pitman

    Gerd Stumme is Full Professor of Computer Science. He is leading the Hertie Chair on Knowledge and Data Engineering at the University of Kassel, and full member of the Research Center L3S. Gerd Stumme earned his PhD in 1997 at Darmstadt University of Technology, and his Habilitation at the Institute AIFB of the University of Karlsruhe in 2002. In 1999/2000 he was Visiting Professor at the University of Clermont-Ferrand, France, and Substitute Professor for Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery at the University of Magdeburg in 2003. Gerd Stumme published over 80 articles at national and international conferences and in journals, and chaired several workshops and conferences. He is member in the Editorial Boards of the Intl. Journal on Data Warehousing and Mining and of the International Conference on Conceptual Structures, and was also member of several conference and workshop Program Committees. Gerd Stumme is leading and led several national and European projects. The research group is running the social bookmark and publication sharing system BibSonomy.
    17 years ago by @pitman
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