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    ASA Continuing Education Program Distinguished Statistician Video Series
    16 years ago by @pitman

    Statistics Tales of Statisticians Statistics too has its heroes, and it may humanize the subject to mention some of them here. Mathematical details have been avoided, and the history of philosophy has been largely evaded, but these sketches may at least help to suggest that statistical techniques emerged a step at a time, for real reasons, that real people invented them, and that once they were invented, real people sometimes further refined them, or continued to argue about their validity and implications. * Thomas Bayes * Eric Temple Bell * Jacob Bernoulli * Henry Thomas Buckle * George B Dantzig * Florence Nightingale David * Abraham de Moivre * Albert Einstein * Ronald A Fisher * Galileo Galilei * Carl Friederich Gauss * Corrado Gini * Boris Gnedenko * William S Gosset ("Student") * Andrei Kolmogorov * William Kruskal * Pierre-Simon Laplace * Lucien Le Cam * Pierre de Montmort * Frederick Mosteller * John Napier * Isaac Newton * Jerzy Neyman * Florence Nightingale * Blaise Pascal * Karl Pearson * Siméon-Denis Poisson * Adolphe Quetelet * Jimmie Savage * George Snedecor * Charles Spearman * Frank Wilcoxon
    17 years ago by @pitman
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