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    About WikiProfessional Wikiprofessional's Concept Web Initiative is a global collaboration to innovate how knowledge is represented and expanded on the Internet. The Internet embodies an enormous information space that continues to expand exponentially in page count but not proportionally in new knowledge. Redundancy of the same facts and opinions within a myriad of web-pages has artificially inflated the size of the Internet. To get a million search results on a query without the ability to separate redundancy of the same information from the incremental knowledge expansions on that query concept is highly inefficient. Within the Concept Web, information is converted to streamlined knowledge where redundancy and newness of idea expansion are properly represented. In the Concept Web, knowledge representation and expansion is accomplished with the aid of two revolutionary technologies: Knowlet and a new professional Wiki.
    16 years ago by @pitman

    What Topic Maps Do When XML is introduced into an organization it is usually used for one of two purposes: either to structure the organization's documents or to make that organization's applications talk to other applications. These are both useful ways of using XML, but they will not help anyone find the information they are looking for. What changes with the introduction of XML is that the document processes become more controllable and can be automated to a greater degree than before, while applications can now communicate internally and externally. But the big picture, something that collects the key concepts in the organization's information and ties it all together, is nowhere to be found. [Diagram]
    17 years ago by @pitman
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