закладки  9


    We focus on scientific/engineering software development using RAD abilities of Python language, accompanied with free scientific libraries such as NumPy and SciPy. Our mainstream research activity is numerical optimization, including nonsmooth optimization and solving systems of nonlinear equations. OpenOpt framework - universal numerical optimization package with several own solvers (e.g. ralg) and connections to tens of other, graphical output of convergence and many other goodies FuncDesigner - tool to rapidly build functions over variables/arrays and get their derivatives via automatic differentiation. Also, you can perform integration, interpolation, solve systems of linear/nonlinear/ODE equations and numerical optimization problems coded in FuncDesigner by OpenOpt (see some examples in its doc), uncertainty analysis and interval analysis DerApproximator - tool to get (or check user-supplied) derivatives via finite-difference approximation SpaceFuncs - tool for 2D, 3D, N-dimensional geometric modeling with possibilities of parametrized calculations, numerical optimization and solving systems of geometrical equations
    14 лет назад , @thorade

    A couple of posts ago, I talked about a simple monte carlo simulation for diffusion limited aggregation. In this post, I’m going to talk about another algorithm that, at its heart, is based on random numbers. Unlike DLA though, this algorithm isn’t about simulating a physical system. Instead, it is about a method for solving optimization problems that are generally poorly suited to traditional numerical optimization techniques. This post describes an application of a library implementing the GEP method posed by Cândida Ferreira nearly 10 years ago. I started messing with GEP shortly after the paper “Gene Expression Programming: A New Adaptive Algorithm for Solving Problems” was published in the journal Complex Systems. The paper sat in a pile for a while, and about two years ago I picked it up again and started to implement it as a Haskell library.
    14 лет назад , @thorade

    The International Journal of Energy Research is dedicated to providing a multidisciplinary platform for the discussion of issues arising in energy research without the constraints imposed by aiming at a restricted audience. It aims to reach all researchers, scientists, engineers, technology developers, planners and policy makers working in the areas of energy management, production, conversion, conservation, systems, technologies and applications, and their impact on the environment and sustainable development. The subject matter of the Journal is concerned with the development and exploitation of both traditional and new energy sources, systems, technologies and applications. Interdisciplinary subjects in the area of novel energy systems and applications are also encouraged. High-quality research papers are solicited in, but are not limited to, the following areas: * Energy conversion, conservation and management * Energy storage * Hydrogen energy and fuel cells * Hydrogen production technologies * Micro- and nano-energy systems and technologies * Exergy analysis * Thermodynamic optimization * Electronics cooling * Nuclear energy * Renewable energy (e.g. geothermal, solar, wind, hydro, tidal wave, biomass) * Energy and sustainable development * Energy and environmental impact * CO2 capturing and storage technologies * Clean coal technologies * Biofuels and alternatives * Life cycle assessment * Hybrid/integrated energy systems * Heat pumps and heat pipes * Advanced power generation and refrigeration systems * Energy system analysis and modelling Submitted manuscripts should report on original works in the area of novel energy systems and applications which may be expected to address current technical, technological, economic, environmental, performance, sustainability problems and bring potential solutions through improvements in efficiency, cost effectiveness, use of resources and sustainability, as well as improved energy security and improvements to the environment. IJER publishes high-quality original papers, review articles and short communications in the area of novel energy systems and applications. Those pertaining to modeling, theory, analysis, simulations, technology development, experiments, visualization and measurement techniques are also appropriate for the journal. IJER will also include letters to the editor, book reviews, an events calendar etc.
    14 лет назад , @thorade

    In short, Solver is a what-if analysis tool for optimization. It is an add-in licensed from Frontline Systems that has shipped with Excel for many years.
    14 лет назад , @thorade

    Evocosm is a set of classes that abstract the fundamental components of an evolutionary algorithm. I'll list the components here with a bit of introduction; you can review the details of the classes by downloading the code archives or by reviewing the online documentation (see the menu at the article's beginning for code and documentation links.) All class documentation was generated from source code comments using doxygen. These docs have not been thoroughly proofread, so they may contain a few typos and minor errors. Self-publishing has taught me the value of a good proofreader... ;} Evolutionary algorithms come in a variety of shapes and flavors, but at their core, they all share certain characteristics: populations that reproduce and mutate through a series of generations, producing future generations based on some measure of fitness. An amazing variety of algorithms can be built on that general framework, which leads me to construct a set of core classes as the basis for future applications.
    14 лет назад , @thorade

    EvA2 (an Evolutionary Algorithms framework, revised version 2) is a comprehensive heuristic optimization framework with emphasis on Evolutionary Algorithms implemented in Java. It is a revised version of the JavaEvA optimization toolbox, which has been developed as a resumption of the former EvA software package. EvA2 integrates several derivation free optimization methods, preferably population based, such as Evolution Strategies (ES), Genetic Algorithms (GA), Differential Evolution (DE), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), as well as classical techniques such as multi-start Hill Climbing or Simulated Annealing. Besides typical single-objective problems, multi-modal and multi-objective problem are handled directly by the EvA2 framework. Via the Java mechanism of Remote Method Invocation (RMI), the algorithms of EvA2 can be distributed over network nodes based on a client-server architecture. EvA2 aims at two groups of users. Firstly, the end user who does not know much about the theory of Evolutionary Algorithms, but wants to use Evolutionary Algorithms to solve an application problem. Secondly, the scientific user who wants to investigate the performance of different optimization algorithms or wants to compare the effect of alternative or specialized evolutionary or heuristic operators. The latter usually knows more about evolutionary algorithms or heuristic optimization and is able to extend EvA2 by adding specific optimization strategies or solution representations. EvA2 is being used as teaching aid in lecture tutorials, as a developing platform in student research projects and applied to numerous optimisation problems within active research and ongoing industrial cooperations.
    14 лет назад , @thorade

    gPROMS is an equation-oriented modelling system used for building, validating and executing first-principles models within a flowsheeting framework. Models are constructed in the gPROMS ModelBuilder by writing down the fundamental chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, operating procedures and other relationships that govern the process or product behaviour. The resulting model is then validated against observed data — typically, laboratory, pilot plant or operating data — to adjust model parameters such as heat transfer coefficients to match reality as closely as possible. Of course, you don't need to create a model from scratch every time – you can use one of the many state-of-the-art gPROMS model libraries, or create your own library for publishing throughout your organisation. Solution accuracy – for multiple applications The first-principles approach combined with rigorous validation results in models of unprecedented accuracy. Once a model exists, it can be solved in many different ways to perform many different activities – for example, steady-state simulation, dynamic simulation, parameter estimation, model-based experiment design, steady-state and dynamic optimisation, including integer optimisation, or generation of linearised models for use in control and online optimisation, across the process lifecycle. This means that once you have invested in creating an accurate gPROMS model of your process you can use that model wherever it can generate value, to ensure multiple return on investment. PSE ModelCare PSE recognises that creating high-accuracy process models requires expertise in many different domains – chemical engineering, physics, chemistry, hydrodynamics and modelling and numerical solution itself. That is why we provide the ModelCare service. ModelCare aims to help companies deliver fit-for purpose modelling applications rapidly, while transferring modelling know-how to customer organisations.
    15 лет назад , @thorade

    The Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer will consider a wide range of scholarly papers related to the subject of "enhanced heat and mass transfer" in natural and forced convection of liquids and gases, boiling, condensation, radiative heat transfer. Areas of interest include: * Specially configured surface geometries, electric or magnetic fields, and fluid additives - all aimed at enhancing heat transfer rates. Papers may include theoretical modeling, experimental techniques, experimental data, and/or application of enhanced heat transfer technology. * The general topic of "high performance" heat transfer concepts or systems is also encouraged. * The journal will also consider well-prepared review articles within the identified subject areas. * Archival quality papers previously published at limited distribution conferences are also accepted. The author may need to provide a copyright release from the conference publisher. Papers that are not related to "enhanced heat and mass transfer" or "high performance" heat transfer concepts or systems will not be accepted for review.
    15 лет назад , @thorade

    JModelica.org is an extensible Modelica-based open source platform for optimization, simulation and analysis of complex dynamic systems. The main objective of the project is to create an industrially viable open source platform for optimization of Modelica models, while offering a flexible platform serving as a virtual lab for algorithm development and research. As such, JModelica.org is intended to provide a platform for technology transfer where industrially relevant problems can inspire new research and where state of the art algorithms can be propagated form academia into industrial use. JModelica.org is a result of research at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, and is now maintained and developed by Modelon AB.
    15 лет назад , @thorade
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публикации  90