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Flickering AGN can explain the strong circumgalactic O VI observed by COS-Halos

, , , , und .
(2017)cite arxiv:1705.07897Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS, companion website:


Proximity zone fossils (PZFs) are ionization signatures around recently active galactic nuclei (AGN) where metal species in the circumgalactic medium remain over-ionized after the AGN has shut-off due to their long recombination timescales. We explore cosmological zoom hydrodynamic simulations using the EAGLE model paired with a non-equilibrium ionization and cooling module including time-variable AGN radiation to model PZFs around star-forming, disk galaxies in the z~0.2 Universe. Previous simulations typically under-estimated the O VI content of galactic haloes, but we show that plausible PZF models increase O VI column densities by 2-3x to achieve the levels observed around COS-Halos star-forming galaxies out to 150 kpc. Models with AGN bolometric luminosities >~10^43.6 erg s^-1, duty cycle fractions <~10%, and AGN lifetimes <~10^6 yr are the most promising, because their super-massive black holes grow at the cosmologically expected rate and they mostly appear as inactive AGN, consistent with COS-Halos. The central requirement is that the typical star-forming galaxy hosted an active AGN within a timescale comparable to the recombination time of a high metal ion, which for circumgalactic O VI is 10^7 years. H I, by contrast, returns to equilibrium much more rapidly due to its low neutral fraction and does not show a significant PZF effect. O VI absorption features originating from PZFs appear narrow, indicating photo-ionization, and are often well-aligned with lower metal ions species. PZFs are highly likely to affect the physical interpretation of circumgalactic high ionization metal lines if, as expected, normal galaxies host flickering AGN.



  • @miki

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