
All of statistics : a concise course in statistical inference


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  • @schwemmlein
  • @jaeschke
  • @asalber
  • @folke

Comments and Reviewsshow / hide

  • @tomhanika
    4 years ago (last updated 4 years ago)
  • @jaeschke
    4 years ago (last updated 4 years ago)
    For me it's the best statistics book I have found so far. Concise introduction and then the interesting and challenging topics follow.
  • @folke
    13 years ago
    For me its just the right choice for refreshing my statistics course as well as for looking up missing basics for machine learning papers. The author succeeded in finding the balance between tackling all the basics together with a broad part of modern statistics and deepening theory where maths aren't too delicate. A true recommendation!
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