
Immersive virtual reality (IVR) systems allow users to interact in virtual environments (VEs), but in these systems, e.g., six-wall CAVEs with outside-in optical tracking, presence is limited to the virtual world and the physical surrounding cannot be perceived. Real walking is the most intuitive way of moving through such a setup as well as through our real world. Unfortunately, typical IVEs have only limited interaction space in contrast to the potentially infinite VE. In the last years an enormous effort has been undertaken in order to allow omnidirectional walking of arbitrary distances in VEs. Appropriate hardware-based approaches are very costly Bouguila and thus will probably not get beyond a prototype stage in the near future. We propose an alternative approach, which is motivated by the theory of perception. We exploit the fact that the human's visual sense may vary from the proprioceptive and vestibular senses without humans noticing a difference. Thus it becomes possible to direct the user on a physical path which may vary from the path perceived in the IVE. To exploit this limitation of the human sensory system we have extended redirected walking by introducing motion compression and gains, which scale the real distance a user walks, rotation compression and gains, which make the real turns smaller or larger, and curvature gains, which bend the user's walking direction such that s/he walks on a curve. Furthermore, we propose the concept of dynamic passive haptics which extends passive haptics in such a way that any number of virtual objects can be sensed by means of real proxy objects having similar haptic capabilities. Thus, dynamic passive haptics provide the user with the illusion of interacting with a desired virtual object by touching a corresponding proxy object. By exploiting these proposed concepts, finally the virtual holodeck construction manual can be written. Such an IVE provides sufficient space to make the users walk arbitrarily and sense any objects in the VE by means of touching an associated proxy object.

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  • @mcm
  • @dblp
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