
Solving Trignometric Identities with Tree Adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming

2001 International Workshop on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, стр. 339--352. Adelaide, Australia, Springer-Verlag, (11-12 December 2001)


Tree-adjunct grammar guided genetic programming (TAG3P) (Hoai and McKay 2001) is a grammar guided genetic programming system that uses context-free grammars along with tree-adjunct grammars as means to set language bias for the genetic programming system. In this paper, we show the result of TAG3P on the problem of discovering trigonometric identities, one of the benchmark problems in genetic programming (Koza 1992). The results show that although TAG3P did successfully discover all three popular trigonometric identities of the trigonometric function cos(2x), namely, sin(2x+p /2), sin(p /2 -2x) and 1-2sin 2 (x), it had a tendency to converge towards the first two identities.


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