
The stylistics and stylometry of collaborative translation: Woolf's Night and Day in Polish.

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LLC, 28 (4): 708-717 (2013)
DOI: 10.1093/llc/fqt027


The study investigates to what extent traditional stylistics and non-traditional stylometry can co-operate in the study of translations in terms of translatorial style. Stylistic authorship attribution methods based on a multivariate analysis of most-frequent-word frequencies are used in attempts at identifying translators. While these methods usually identify the author of the original rather than the translator, a case study is presented of the Polish translation of a single novel by Virginia Woolf, Night and Day, in which one translator took over from the other; the point of this takeover has been successfully identified with the above-mentioned methods.



  • @dblp

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  • @katharina.
    vor 9 Jahren
    Informative Graphiken, verständlich erklärt, warum Delta auf Übersetzungen auch funktioniert.
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