
Influences of English and Kiswahili on Kibena Meaning Extension Through Language Contact

International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies (IJHAS), 03 (04): 27-38 (November 2018)


Language contact deals with how and why different languages came into contact and its effects on each language. This article presents the influences of language contact and meaning extensions in Kibena. It further explains how Kibena creates words with new meanings as a way of filling up the semantic gap in their language. The study employed qualitative research approach of data collection and analysis. The descriptive research design was employed for the sake of explaining how Kibena words have extended its meaning during language contact. The interview method was used to collect data from Kibena native speakers. The study consisted of fifty Bena native speakers and twenty five texts book written in Kibena. The results show that English and Kiswahili being in contact with Kibena have made Kibena to expand its word’s meanings during contact. Bena has managed to create homonym and polysemy for the meanings of words which do not exist in Kibena instead of depending on semantic borrowing from English and Kiswahil.The findings also show that the Bena native speakers were innovative and creative on using their knowledge and environment to conceptualize new meaning so as to relate with meaning used in the language which they are in contact with rather than basing only on semantic loans during interaction in different aspect. Furthermore, it is recommended that further study should be done on the role of phonological process on meaning extension or narrowing during Kibena contact with English and Kiswahili.



  • @ijhas

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