
Internal structure of the San Andreas fault at Parkfield, California

, , , und .
Geology, 25 (4): 359--362 (01.04.1997)
DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025%3C0359:ISOTSA%3E2.3.CO;2


Magnetotelluric and seismic reflection surveys at Parkfield, California, show that the San Andreas fault zone is characterized by a vertical zone of low electrical resistivity. This zone is 500 m wide and extends to a depth of 4000 m. The low electrical resistivity is attributed to high porosity of saline fluids present in the highly fractured fault zone. The occurrence of microearthquakes and creep in the low resistivity zone is consistent with suggestions that seismicity at Parkfield is fluid driven.



  • @nilsma

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