
Abstract Massive open online courses (MOOCs) require individual learners to be able to self-regulate their learning, determining when and how they engage. However, \MOOCs\ attract a diverse range of learners, each with different motivations and prior experience. This study investigates the self-regulated learning (SRL) learners apply in a MOOC, in particular focusing on how learners' motivations for taking a \MOOC\ influence their behaviour and employment of \SRL\ strategies. Following a quantitative investigation of the learning behaviours of 788 \MOOC\ participants, follow-up interviews were conducted with 32 learners. The study compares the narrative descriptions of behaviour between learners with self-reported high and low \SRL\ scores. Substantial differences were detected between the self-described learning behaviours of these two groups in five of the sub-processes examined. Learners' motivations and goals were found to shape how they conceptualised the purpose of the MOOC, which in turn affected their perception of the learning process.

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