
Purpose:To assess and improve the quality of life in colostomy patients who underwent colostomy due to various causes. Materials and Methods: 112 patients with colostomy were identified and subjected for this study for past 4 years in the Hospital Sultanah Nora Ismail, BatuPahat, Johor. Some patients were identified from ward, some from surgical clinic and few patients were identified through hospital record. The questionnaires were prepared by us and the study was conducted. The patients who were identified from the record, were interviewed through telephone. Results: Following this study, we identified that most of the patients were depressed and stressed .They were also found to be isolated in the family and facing multiple problems. Some patients avoided certain type of food since the smell from the colostomy bag created most of social problems. This study also identified some family members and some people in the community who were also later counseled regarding the responsibility of giving care to the colostomy patients. Conclusion: This study finally identified some good solutions which will help others and new colostomy patients to improve their quality of life and minimize their mental stress and social problems.

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