
Vocal responsiveness in male wild chimpanzees: implications for the evolution of language

Journal of Human Evolution, 39 (2): 205 - 223 (2000)
DOI: 10.1006/jhev.2000.0415


Several captive chimpanzees and bonobos have learned to use symbols and to comprehend syntax. Thus, compared with other nonhumans, these animals appear to have unusual cognitive powers that can be recruited for communicative behavior. This raises the possibility that wild chimpanzee vocal communication is more complex than heretofore demonstrated. To examine this possibility, I investigated whether wild chimpanzee vocal exchanges exhibit uniquely human conversational attributes. The results indicate that wild chimpanzees vocalize at low rates, tend not to respond to calls that they hear, and, when they do respond, tend to give calls that are similar to the ones they have heard. Thus, chimpanzee vocal interactions resemble those of other primate species, and show no special similarity to human conversations. The results support the view that we need to explore cognitive and social continuities and discontinuities with nonhuman primates to understand the origin and evolution of language, but also emphasize the need for fine-grained analyses of wild chimpanzee vocal interactions.



  • @jullybobble

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