
Identity, Reference, and Meaning on the Web

стр. 7. (мая 2006)


Problems of reference, identity, and meaning are becoming increasingly endemic on the Web. We focus first on the convergence between Web architecture and classical problems in philosophy, leading to the advent of \textbackslashphilosophical engineering." We survey how the Semantic Web initiative in particular provoked an \textbackslashidentity crisis" for the Web due to its use of URIs for both "things" and web pages and the W3C's proposed solution. The problem of reference is inspected in relation to both the direct object theory of reference of Russell and the causal theory of reference of Kripke, and the proposed standards of new URN spaces and Published Subjects. Then we progress onto the problem of meaning in lightof the Fregean slogan of the priority of meaning over reference and the notion of logical interpretation. The popular notions of \textbackslashsocial meaning" and the practice of tagging as a possible solution is analyzed in light of the ideas of Lewison convention. Finally, we conclude that a full notion of meaning, identity, and reference may be possible, but that it is an open problem on how practical implementations and standards can be created.


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  • @acka47
  • @jaeschke
  • @schmitz
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