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Improved GPS accuracy via dynamic filtering of relative distances in a swarm of nano-satellites., , и . Eur. J. Control, (июля 2023)Integrator forwarding without PDEs., и . CDC, стр. 33-38. IEEE, (2009)Output regulation for a class of linear hybrid systems. Part 2: stabilization., , и . CDC, стр. 6157-6162. IEEE, (2012)Further results on stability of networked control systems: a Lyapunov approach., , и . ACC, стр. 1741-1746. IEEE, (2007)Nonlinear observer design techniques with observability functions., , , и . CDC, стр. 31-36. IEEE, (2013)Data-driven output regulation by external models of linear hybrid systems with periodic jumps., , и . CDC, стр. 4716-4721. IEEE, (2016)A Trajectory-Based Stochastic Approach to Symbolic Control., , и . CDC, стр. 2871-2876. IEEE, (2023)An Extremum Seeking Algorithm for Message Batching in Total Order Protocols., , , и . SASO, стр. 89-98. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)A Trajectory Based Optimization Approach for Hybrid Observer Design., , , , , и . CDC, стр. 1873-1878. IEEE, (2023)Explicit Computation of the Sampling Period in Emulation of Controllers for Nonlinear Sampled-Data Systems., , и . IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 54 (3): 619-624 (2009)