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Investigating Preference Factors in the Design of Shopping Carts for the Elderly: A Miryoku Engineering Study., , and . DSIE, volume 383 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, page 39-46. IOS Press, (2023)Extraction and Analysis of Texture Information of the Iris Intestinal Loop., and . CCBR, volume 8833 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 328-338. Springer, (2014)QoS-constrained robust beamforming in MISO wiretap channels with a helper., and . ACSCC, page 188-192. IEEE, (2011)The statistical properties of two-dimensional turbulent wake of a heated cylinder, , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 311 (3-4): 361--368 (Aug 15, 2002)A model for computing and energy dissipation of molecular QCA devices and circuits., , and . JETC, 3 (4): 3:1-3:30 (2008)A study of the security technology and a new security model for WiFi network.. ICDIP, volume 8878 of SPIE Proceedings, page 88780S. SPIE, (2013)Convex-Round and Concave-Round Graphs., , and . SIAM J. Discret. Math., 13 (2): 179-193 (2000)An efficient memetic algorithm using approximation scheme for solving nonlinear integer bilevel programming problems., , , and . Int. J. Comput. Sci. Eng., 23 (1): 63-73 (2020)Reversible Gates and Testability of One Dimensional Arrays of Molecular QCA., , , and . J. Electron. Test., 24 (1-3): 297-311 (2008)Wireless physical layer security enhancement with buffer-aided relaying., and . ACSSC, page 1560-1564. IEEE, (2013)